Sherry wines - Vinos de Jerez - Manzanilla, Oloroso, Pedro Ximenez, Fino, Palo Cortado, Amontillado

'''' articles

San León (Argüeso)

10 December 2013 | by Ruben

Don León de Argüeso gave his name to the flagship Manzanilla from Bodegas Argüeso San León (sometimes refered to as

Las Medallas (Argüeso)

6 December 2013 | by Ruben

From four Manzanillas produced by Argüeso, Las Medallas is among the younger ones Las Medallas is the youngest of the widely available Manzanillas

Manzanilla 17|71 (Alexander Jules)

22 November 2013 | by Ruben

Alexander Jules is an independent bottler, carefully selecting casks from famous bodegas Alex Jules Russan started the Alexander Jules label after having

La Ina (Lustau)

4 November 2013 | by Ruben

After the liquidation of Pedro Domecq, Lustau bought six of their bodegas and the rights to some of their brands,

Riá Pitá (Dios Baco)

26 October 2013 | by Ruben

Riá Pitá is an onomatopoeia, a reproduction of the sound made by castanets as they rattle in flamenco music. Bodegas Dios

Tio Pepe (González Byass)

26 September 2013 | by Ruben

Tio Pepe is without doubt one of the most famous sherries. The brand has been around since 1844 and it

Fino (R.C. Ivison)

12 September 2013 | by Ruben

I bought this bottle at my local Delhaize supermarket, which has a good reputation for its selection of fine wines. However

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